A green message in our jars

How we embrace sustainable practices

Carbon dioxide
We reduce the amount of carbon dioxide using renewable sources of energy during all the various stages of processing, like fitting solar panels, thermal recovery systems, heat dispersion reduction and heat recapture. This is helping us saving 400 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

Our waste is separated into 36 different categories for recycling: for example, 50% of our waste is sold to waste disposal suppliers and our exhausted oil is even used in the manufacture of soap. We always aim to reduce the amount of waste produced, through increasingly efficient production processes.

We minimize the use of materials to make our packaging as sustainable as possible, in terms of recyclable materials, reducing or getting rid of outer sleeves and wrappings, reducing the size of our labels and trays and the weight of our lids. We always study packaging systems that help consumers themselves to reduce waste, such as single portions, designed for supply the exact quantity needed for a single use.

Saclà continues to use Italian ingredients where possible, also to reduce consumption in transport, thus reducing CO2 emissions. Commit to choosing low-emission, fully-loaded railways or vehicles as a priority, avoiding air transport.
This commitment is possible thanks to our close collaboration with like-minded logistics partners who support us every day.